六自由度工业机器人 Six Axis Industrial Robot 产品特点 Product Features 针对焊接应用行业开发的六轴机器人,机器人结构紧凑、体积小、重量轻、较大负载 6KG,臂展1500mm,腕部采用中空结构,走线更方便,动作更灵活. 防护等级高-1P54,防尘防水精度高,重复定位精度±0.06mm BRTIRWD1510A six axis industrial robot is Guangdong Bo Langte Intelicgent Equipment Co. Ltd designed for the development of the welding application industry. The robot has compact structure, smalll volume and light weight. The maximum load is 6KG, the maximum arm length is 1500mm. The wrist applies hollow structure with more convenient trace and flexible action. The protection grade reaches IP54. The repeatability is +-0.06mm.